Kakashi Hatake, also known as the "Copy Ninja" for his impressive use of the Sharingan, served as a member of Konoha's elite Anbu Black Ops in his younger years. This secret unit carried out dangerous missions ranging from infiltration to elimination, often in the shadows of the Shinobi World.
During his time as an Anbu, Kakashi displayed a cool, calculated demeanor and an uncompromising dedication to his assignments. His skills as a jonin—including exceptional speed, precision, and his masterful use of ninjutsu—made him one of the most feared and efficient Anbu operatives. However, this period was marked by darkness in his life, stemming from the trauma of his past. The loss of his father, the death of his friend Obito Uchiha, and the tragic fate of Rin Nohara weighed heavily on his psyche, reinforcing his emotionally distant and sometimes ruthless demeanor in the Anbu.
Kakashi's time in the Anbu also saw him work with some of Konoha's most prominent figures, including the future Hokage, Minato Namikaze, and later as a mentor to the young Itachi Uchiha. While his work was effective, the darkness of the Anbu world began to take a toll on his mental health, eventually leading Hokage Hiruzen Sarutobi to withdraw him from the Anbu and give him a new mission: training the next generation.
His experiences in the Anbu form a crucial part of Kakashi's character development, as he learns to deal with his guilt and moral dilemmas, ultimately transforming him into the understanding, wise mentor he later becomes to Team 7.