Kakashi Hatake, known as the "Copy Ninja," is one of the most skilled and respected shinobi in Naruto. Renowned for his mastery of the Sharingan, which he received from his late friend Obito Uchiha, Kakashi can mimic nearly any technique he encounters, earning him his legendary status. A former member of the elite ANBU Black Ops, Kakashi later became the mentor of Team 7, guiding Naruto Uzumaki, Sasuke Uchiha, and Sakura Haruno.
Despite his calm and aloof demeanor, Kakashi carries the weight of past tragedies, including the loss of his teammates and mentor, Minato Namikaze. His leadership style is shaped by these experiences, emphasizing the importance of teamwork and protecting one's comrades. As the story progresses, Kakashi’s tactical genius, vast knowledge, and combat skills make him a crucial figure in defending the Hidden Leaf Village. His journey explores themes of duty, loss, and the power of bonds.